distance sales contract

Article 1 – Subject of the contract and the parties 

 1.1. This contract is between each of the consumers whose details are mentioned and the seller who operates the www.revolaexpert.com.tr website; (hereinafter referred to as the Website) where it defines the rights, laws, and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection and the Regulation on the Principles for the Execution and Procedure of Remote Contracts in connection with the sale of products and services through the Website and the delivery of Products to the delivery address.

 1.2. The consumer acknowledges and accepts that he is informed through preliminary information regarding the basic characteristics of the goods or services subject to sale, the sale price, the method of payment, the terms of delivery, and the goods or services related to the sale of the goods and the right of “opt-out” to confirm this information in the electronic environment. The services provided by the contract and their declaration under the terms of this contract. The preliminary information and the invoice on the payment page of the website www.revolaexpert.com.tr are an integral part of this contract.

 1.3. Seller Information
 1.4. Consumer information

Name and descent/ Title:
Delivery address:
IP address:

Article 2 – Contract date

2.1. This contract was concluded by the two parties on the date of completion of the consumer’s order located on the date of ………………. Which was done on the website and a copy of the contract was sent to the consumer’s email address

3.1. Details of products and services ordered by the consumer, sales amounts including taxes, and the amount of information are provided below. All products listed in the following table will be referred to as the product.

Article 4 Delivery of products

 4.1. The products are delivered to the delivery address specified by the consumer or the person/organization at the address indicated by the consumer and delivered within 30 days from the date of the order.
In the event that the performance of the goods or services subject to the order becomes impossible, the seller shall then notify the consumer in writing or by informing the provision of data to the consumer within three days from the date of this situation, including delivery costs, if any, and no later than (14) Fourteen days. But if the goods are not available in stock, then this situation does not fall under the impossibility of bringing the goods.

 4.2. The seller shall not bear the responsibility if the person/organization to be received does not accept the products sent to another party indicated by the consumer in his place.

4.3. The consumer is responsible for examining the product at the time of receipt and when he sees a problem with the product, he has the right not to accept the product and ask for a report to be written by the shipping company employee. Otherwise, the seller does not accept any responsibility.

Article 5 – Payment Method

 5.1. The consumer acknowledges, accepts, and undertakes that since the credit card sales are made only by the banks, the consumer will confirm the interest rates related to the interest rate and the default interest on the bank and the provisions regarding the interest and default interest will be applied within the scope of the credit card agreement between the bank and the consumer. Banks and financial institutions such as credit cards, installment cards, and others. The payment/installment facilities provided by the issuing institutions are payment and/or installment facilities provided directly by the mentioned institutions only. Sales of products realized in this framework between the seller and the consumer are not counted as installment sales, but this is considered a cash sale. The seller’s legal rights in cases deemed by law to be sold in installments (including the right to terminate the contract and/or to pay off the remaining debt with default interest, if none of the installments is paid) are considered present and reserved.

Article 6 General Provisions

 6.1. The consumer acknowledges and accepts through the form that he has read the relevant information about the basic characteristics, selling price, method of payment, and delivery of the product subject to sale in this form and thus gives written confirmation.

 6.2. Through this form, the consumer shows his confirmation in writing. Before concluding remote contracts, the seller must give the consumer the required address, the basic features of the ordered products, the price of the products including taxes, the right to withdraw opinion, payment, and delivery information correctly and completely.

 6.3. The seller is responsible for presenting the products in a proper and complete manner, according to the specifications specified in the order and with warranty documents and user manuals if any.

 6.4. The seller may offer another product of equal quality and price to the consumer before the contractual performance obligation expires.

 6.5. If the seller fails to fulfill the contractual obligations in the event that it is impossible to fulfill the related product or service, the seller must inform the consumer of the contractual performance before the expiry of the contract and provide another product of the same quality and price to the consumer.

 6.6. In order to deliver the product subject to the contract, it is mandatory to deliver the signed copy of this agreement to the seller in electronic copy and pay the price through the preferred payment method of the consumer. The seller is not responsible for the non-delivery of the product if the price of the product is not paid or canceled in the bank records for any reason.

 6.7. If the bank/financial institution operating the credit card does not pay the seller for any reason after the delivery of the product, the product must return to the seller within 3 days at most, and all expenses are borne by the consumer. All other contractual and legal rights of the seller are reserved, including following the price of the product and in any case.

 6.8. In the event that it is impossible to fulfill the goods or complete the services in the relevant matter, the seller shall notify the consumer in writing within three days from the date of knowing this situation, and the seller shall return all payments collected, including delivery costs, if any, within a period not exceeding (14) ) Fourteen days. It is not considered impossible to fulfill the recall of goods if the goods are not available in stock.

7- Product deliveries

 7.1. The products are delivered to the delivery address specified by the consumer or the person/organization at the address indicated by the consumer and delivered within 30 days from the date of the order.
In the event that the performance of the goods or services subject to the order becomes impossible, the Seller shall notify the Consumer in writing or by notification of the provision of data to the Consumer within three days from the date of notification of this situation, including delivery costs, if any, no later than (14) fourteen days. It is not considered impossible to fulfill the recall of goods if the goods are not available in stock.

7.2. The seller shall not bear the responsibility if the person/organization to be received does not accept the products sent to another party indicated by the consumer in his place.

7.3. The consumer is responsible for examining the product at the time of receiving the product and when he sees a problem with the product while receiving it from the shipping company, the consumer has the right not to accept the product and request that a record of the damage be written by the shipping company employee. Otherwise, the seller will not accept responsibility.

 8- The right to withdraw and withdraw one’s opinion

According to the provisions related to the Executive Regulations for Consumer Protection No. 6502 and the Remote Contracts Regulations;
 8.1 The consumer has the right to remote contracts related to the sale of goods using the right of withdrawal within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the goods without any justification and without paying a penalty clause. However, the consumer may use his right of withdrawal from the date of creation of this contract until delivery of the goods. Notice of exercise of the right of withdrawal must be sufficient in writing to be given to the seller or its provider in writing or through permanent data storage. In order for our customers to be able to use their right of withdrawal, they must fill out the return form sent to them with the product and send the product to the shipping company along with the return form sent to them.

 determining the periods of the right of withdrawal;
a), if there is one order but delivered in batches, the day of delivery shall be deemed to be the day the consumer or third party specified by the consumer receives the last product as the basis,
b) the day the consumer or third party specified by the consumer receives the last item in Goods consisting of more than one part,
c) In contracts in which the goods are delivered regularly within a specified period of time, the day on which the consumer or the third party specified by the consumer receives it shall be considered the primary day.
8.2.Cases in which the consumer’s right of withdrawal cannot be used:
a) products prepared in accordance with the wishes or personal needs of the consumer,
b) delivery of goods that may be perishable or produced whose expiration date is possible,
c) Delivery of goods that are not suitable and damaged in terms of health and hygiene in terms of packaging, tape, seal, and parcel,
d) Goods mixed with other products after delivery and which cannot be separated due to their nature.
c) the merchandise is variable in product preservation whether cover, tape, seal, and package, as well as in physical materials with digital content and computer-related materials,
h) delivery of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, except as provided under the subscription agreement,
g) services relating to a specified period or payment must be made within a specified period also such as accommodation, transportation of goods, car rental, supply of food and beverages or leisure or leisure,
d) services provided immediately in the electronic environment or immaterial goods delivered directly to the consumer,
y), services performed with the consent of the consumer and before the expiration of the right of withdrawal,
t) in cases where the price does not apply to contracts relating to goods or services that vary according to fluctuations in the financial markets and are not under the control of the seller or supplier.

 8.3- In the event that the consumer uses his right of withdrawal, the seller or the provider is liable to return the total amount received within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the notice of withdrawal to the consumer’s account, negotiable documents that put the consumer under debt, etc. The seller or supplier is obligated to return it to the customer without incurring any fees to the customer as a result.
 8.4 – The consumer will not be liable for any changes or distortions that occurred if his containment of the goods was in accordance with the operation, technical specifications, and instructions for use that he followed.
 8.5 – If the consumer uses the right of withdrawal, he will not be liable to pay the expenses related to returning the goods to the seller through the carrier specified for the return mentioned in the preliminary information identified by the seller. In the event that the seller does not specify any carrier for the return in the initial information, the seller cannot claim any cost from the consumer. In the event that the carrier specified in the preliminary information does not have a branch at the location of the consumer, the seller is obligated to ensure that the goods that he requests for return are taken from the consumer without any additional costs.
 8.6- The consumer is obligated to return the goods to the seller within 10 (ten) days from the date on which he notifies the seller of his use of the right of withdrawal unless he submits a proposal to return the seller to recover his property.
 8.7 – The consumer does not have the right to withdraw his opinion on the products that are specially prepared for the consumer in accordance with what is mentioned in Clause A in Paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Regulations on Remote Contracts,

 8.8 – It is not possible to cancel orders if they enter the status of “Given for Shipment” in the delivery phase.
 8.9 – For orders placed under “Given to Ship” status, our customers must return the merchandise to the shipping company without opening the product box. 8.1. The provisions of this article are reserved.

Article 9 – Agreement on Evidence and Competent Court

 9.1. In resolving any dispute that may arise out of this Agreement and/or its implementation, Seller’s records (including magnetic recordings such as computer audio recordings) shall constitute conclusive evidence; The consumer arbitration committees, which reach their announcement by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the consumer courts and the executive directorates located in the areas of residence of the two parties, are the arbitrator in settling the dispute between the consumer and the seller.

9.2. The consumer acknowledges, accepts, and agrees that he has read all terms and interpretations written in the order form that form an integral part of this Contract and has received, audited, and accepted all preliminary information